
Faculty Services

Special Collections & Archives offers various services to faculty looking to integrate rare and archival sources into their courses.

Services include:

  • Host class visits to the reading room to view pre-selected materials
  • Provide drop-in orientation sessions in your classroom in preparation for a class assignment
  • Identify and digitize resources to support your lectures or reading assignments
  • Assistance in designing class exercises using rare materials
  • Select and provide students access to “course reserves”
  • Suggest collections related to course topic that are appropriate for independent student research
  • Create an online resource guide highlighting archival resources related to your course

Sample assignments we could support:

  • Paleography and documentary editing: students transcribe handwritten materials and provide contextual information
  • Course reserves: selected primary source material is set aside for students to examine independently outside of class
  • Comparing editions: students compare early editions of works to the modern editions assigned in their class
  • Creating digital exhibits: using the Omeka platform, students create digital exhibits through the curation, description, and design processes
  • Responding to primary sources: students examine archival material and respond to written prompts.

For more information or assistance please contact us.